Knowledge in Little Appetiz
Diamonds Body
We recommend that our customers do not use ointments or oils on the body area to be treated directly before laser treatment. It's similar with Deos. If it is not possible to leave the house without deer, we will of course remove the residues on site. With the deodorants, it is also important to make sure that no aluminium is included in them. Too dry skin for treatment is also not optimal.
After laser treatment, it is important to apply an oil-in-water emulsion. In the case of oil in water, the water content is higher than the oil content. The pores should not be clogged with a too greasy (oily) layer. In addition, the skin should be able to regenerate, as it has undergone some hardships. That's why we recommend a moisturizing lotion, which also has a calming effect. The ultrasound gel also dries out the skin, so we anoint our customers with a very thin layer of lotion immediately after the treatment.
It should also be noted that nowadays the skin generally needs more external care. But we refer to the duration of hair removal. Since the appointments take place every 4-6 weeks, the time in between is to be maintained as usual. You don't suddenly have to oin your skin if you haven't done it for years. Then your skin has already restored the protective film itself. It would therefore be wrong to advise you to suddenly anoint the skin.
These are not cosmetic tips, but refer to skin care before and after a permanent hair removal with laser technologies.
Diamonds Body
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