
031 511 40 84


Opening hours

Mo-Fr : 8-21 | Sa : on request

We are pleased to have a trusted doctor on our side because of our quality.

Dr. Tschager
Dr. med. Tschager, Solothurn

Dr. Tschager, MD, takes care of general medical and internal medicine matters as a physician in his practice in Zuchwil. In addition, he has specialized in aesthetic medicine.

He is available to us and our customers with advice and support. In special cases we consult him so that he can clarify skin anomalies and give us medical advice. He believes in our technologies, our staff and supports us in the practice of permanent hair removal by laser. 

Through the constant exchange with Dr. med. Tschager, we are also allowed to continue our education in the medical field and gain an ever greater understanding of human anatomy and pathology, especially of the skin and hair.

We would like to sincerely thank Dr. Tschager for his trust and commitment to us.