
031 511 40 84


Opening hours

Mo-Fr : 8-21 | Sa : on request

Laser hair removal is an effective method for the permanent removal of unwanted hair. However, it’s important to consider that taking certain medications can lead to undesirable reactions before, during, and after the treatment.

Some of these medications contain chemical compounds that react to UV light and are known as photosensitive substances. These can cause complications in laser hair removal procedures since the laser emits UV light. When these photosensitive substances are activated by the UV light of the laser, they can harm skin cells and lead to issues such as hyperpigmentation, blistering, and mild burns.

To assist you in evaluating the safety of your medications in the context of laser hair removal, we have developed a helpful online help.

Simply enter the name of your medication into the search field, and the help will automatically narrow down the list of medications. This way, you can quickly check whether it is safe to use your medication during laser hair removal or if it should be avoided.

Please note that this help does not provide comprehensive information or specific recommendations about the medications. It serves as an initial resource to determine if a medication may pose a risk. For any questions or concerns, it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional or pharmacist.

It is crucial to inform the healthcare staff about all the medications you are taking before commencing laser hair removal. Certain medications may increase photosensitivity as a side effect, and it is recommended to avoid laser hair removal treatments while using such photosensitive medications.

Furthermore, it is important to understand that different medications stay in the body for varying durations. Therefore, we recommend discontinuing both oral and topical medications a few days before the treatment. This disclosure allows the healthcare staff to tailor the treatment accordingly and minimize the risk of side effects.

We hope that our help helps you feel more secure and well-informed when deciding on laser hair removal. Your safety and satisfaction are of great importance to us. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Attention! If you are taking any medication from this list, please call us or consult your doctor. Not every medication immediately excludes a treatment!